
Turnbuckles are a standard component used to extend the length of the assembly or increase the adjustability. They are right hand threaded one end and left hand threaded the other to allow for easy tensioning of the rods.  The most common size turnbuckles in a tie rod assembly are 6″ & 12″ takeups; other sizes are available upon request.  When ordering galvanized turnbuckles, you will want to confirm that the threads are tapped oversized, especially in the longer lengths.

Turnbuckle Turnbuckle in assembly Dimensioned turnbuckle

Click table to show drawing
Dia. (D), in.
Standard Turnbuckles Weight in Pounds Safe Working Load, Kips
Dimensions, Inches Length, Inches
A N C E G 6 9 12 18 24 36 ASD LRFD
12 6 2532 7916 1116 1516 .65 .90 1.20 3.67 5.50
58 6 1516 778 1316 112 .98 1.35 1.58 2.43 5.83 8.75
34 6 1116 818 1516 12332 1.45 1.84 2.35 3.06 4.25 8.67 13.0
78 6 1516 858 1332 178 1.85 3.02 4.20 5.43 12.0 18.0
1 6 1716 878 1932 2132 2.60 4.02 4.40 6.85 10.0 15.5 23.3
118 6 1916 918 11332 2932 4.06 4.70 6.10 19.3 29.0
114 6 1916 918 1916 21732 4.00 6.49 7.13 11.30 13.1 25.3 38.0
138 6 11316 958 11116 234 6.15 29.0 43.5
112 6 178 9-34 12732 3132 6.15 9.70 9.13 16.80 19.4 35.0 52.5
158 6 212 11 13132 3932 9.80 40.9 61.3
134 6 212 11 218 3916 9.80 15.3 16.0 19.5 47.2 70.8
178 6 21316 1158 2-38 4 14.0 15.3 62.0 93.0
2 6 21316 1158 238 4 14.0 15.3 27.5 62.0 93.0
214 6 3516 1258 21116 458 19.6 30.9 43.5 80.0 120
212 6 334 1312 3 5 23.3 30.9 42.4 100 150
234 6 4316 1438 314 558 31.5 54.0 125 188
3 6 4516 1458 358 618 39.5 161 242
314 6 5716 1678 378 634 60.5 79.5 203 305
312 6 5716 1678 378 634 60.5 70.0 79.5 203 305
334 6 6 18 458 812 95.0 280 420
4 6 6 18 458 812 95.0 280 420
414 9 634 2212 514 934 152 390 585
41/2 9 63/4 221/2 51/4 93/4 152 390 585
434 9 634 2212 514 934 152 390 585
5 9 712 24 6 10 200 491 737

Dimensions per AISC Manual of Steel Construction thirteenth edition page 15-16

ASD - Allowable Stress Design (according to the AISC 9th Ed.) LRFD - Load and Resistance Factor Design (according to AISC 3rd Ed.)